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Macros | Functions
f.c File Reference
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "nvector_serial.h"
#include "sundials_types.h"
#include "pihm.h"


#define multF   2
#define MINpsi   -70
#define EPS   0.05
#define THRESH   0.0
#define UNIT_C
#define GRAV   9.8*60*60 /* Note the dependence on physical units */
#define C_air   1004.0
#define Lv   (2.503*pow(10,6))
#define SIGMA   (5.67*pow(10,-8)*60)
#define R_dry   287.04
#define R_v   461.5


realtype Interpolation (TSD *Data, realtype t)
realtype returnVal (realtype rArea, realtype rPerem, realtype eqWid, realtype ap_Bool)
realtype CS_AreaOrPerem (int rivOrder, realtype rivDepth, realtype rivCoeff, realtype a_pBool)
void OverlandFlow (realtype **flux, int loci, int locj, realtype avg_y, realtype grad_y, realtype avg_sf, realtype crossA, realtype avg_rough)
void OLFeleToriv (realtype eleYtot, realtype EleZ, realtype cwr, realtype rivZmax, realtype rivYtot, realtype **fluxriv, int loci, int locj, realtype length)
realtype avgY (realtype diff, realtype yi, realtype yinabr)
realtype effKV (realtype ksatFunc, realtype gradY, realtype macKV, realtype KV, realtype areaF)
realtype effKH (int mp, realtype tmpY, realtype aqDepth, realtype MacD, realtype MacKsatH, realtype areaF, realtype ksatH)
int f (realtype t, N_Vector CV_Y, N_Vector CV_Ydot, void *DS)

Macro Definition Documentation

#define C_air   1004.0
#define EPS   0.05
#define GRAV   9.8*60*60 /* Note the dependence on physical units */
#define Lv   (2.503*pow(10,6))
#define MINpsi   -70
#define multF   2
#define R_dry   287.04
#define R_v   461.5
#define SIGMA   (5.67*pow(10,-8)*60)
#define THRESH   0.0
#define UNIT_C
1440 /* Note 60*24 for calculation of yDot in
* m/min units while forcing is in m/day. */

Function Documentation

realtype avgY ( realtype  diff,
realtype  yi,
realtype  yinabr 
realtype CS_AreaOrPerem ( int  rivOrder,
realtype  rivDepth,
realtype  rivCoeff,
realtype  a_pBool 
realtype effKH ( int  mp,
realtype  tmpY,
realtype  aqDepth,
realtype  MacD,
realtype  MacKsatH,
realtype  areaF,
realtype  ksatH 
realtype effKV ( realtype  ksatFunc,
realtype  gradY,
realtype  macKV,
realtype  KV,
realtype  areaF 
int f ( realtype  t,
N_Vector  CV_Y,
N_Vector  CV_Ydot,
void *  DS 
realtype Interpolation ( TSD Data,
realtype  t 
void OLFeleToriv ( realtype  eleYtot,
realtype  EleZ,
realtype  cwr,
realtype  rivZmax,
realtype  rivYtot,
realtype **  fluxriv,
int  loci,
int  locj,
realtype  length 
void OverlandFlow ( realtype **  flux,
int  loci,
int  locj,
realtype  avg_y,
realtype  grad_y,
realtype  avg_sf,
realtype  crossA,
realtype  avg_rough 
realtype returnVal ( realtype  rArea,
realtype  rPerem,
realtype  eqWid,
realtype  ap_Bool 