Soiltrec training event

PIHM WORKSHOP DATES: July 16 - 17, 2012

LOCATION: Chania, Crete, Greece

ORGANISERS: Prof. Chris Duffy (cxd11 @

TECHNICAL CONTACTS: Xuan Yu (xxy113 @, Gopal Bhatt (gxb913 @, Lorne Leonard (lnl3 @, Yu Zhang (yzz130 @, Evan Thomas (emt175 @, Lele Shu (lzs157 @, Yi Mei (yi.mei @, Yuning Shi (yzs123 @



PIHM related workshop will kick off with a detailed overview of Penn State Hydrologic Modeling System. The objective of the talk would be to introduce unique aspects of the hydrologic modeling system PIHM: (a) PIHM [Qu & Duffy, Kumar et. al.], (b) Model and Data integration through PIHMgis [Bhatt et. al.] and PIHM-webservices [Lorne et. al.]. The talk will also outline various developments surrounding PIHM hydrology (a) Sediment, PIHM-Hydro [Li et. al], (b) PIHM-Flux [Shi et. al], (c) ‘age’ of water (Duffy, Bhatt et. al), (d) PIHM-BGC (Yu et. al.), (e) Dissolved Organic Carbon (Mei et. al). It will also summarize some of the key findings from the multi-scale applications of PIHM under a wide range of climate and environmental conditions.

  We will have two hands-on sessions during the workshop that will be geared towards providing experiences in using PIHM for modeling watershed hydrological cycle. Participants will learn to use a customized GIS interface to PIHM (called PIHMgis) for (i) automated ingestion of model parameters from national databases, (ii) conditional domain decomposition of the watershed for numerical simulation, (iii) performing multistate hydrologic simulations and calibration and (iv) visualization of model results. First, we will go over the PIHM workflow to familiarize ourselves with the framework. PIHM workflow will be illustrated using the v-catchment numerical watershed a standard test case used in many integrated models. Various data processing steps and implemented algorithm in the background will be explained to provide a clear understanding of the model application setup.

  We will work on developing two model applications from scratch. Data necessary will be provided. Objective of this exercise would be to go over all the processing steps one by one during the workshop. Here we will use (a) Susquehanna-Shalehills Critical Zone Observatory (SSHCZO) and (b) Young Womans Creek watershed for the development of model applications. Shalehills is a 0.08 sq. km watershed and Young Womans Creek is a relatively large-scale watershed with a drainage area of 230.7 sq. km. Since the processing steps are atypical for a numerical setup you will be able to use the tool for building an application for the watershed of any scale. Larger watersheds are possible but are not feasible on laptops. A discussion of the necessary data and data formats will be made.

  The workshop will also discuss aspects related to the PIHM hydrology calibration.  Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolutionary Strategy (CMA-ES) based calibration tool has been developed for the calibration of PIHM. PIHM-PCS is an evolutionary algorithm based tool that uses unique partition calibration strategy (PCS) strategy to calibrate physically meaningful parameters. The calibration tool uses OpenMPI and therefore its use is suitable using multi-processor architecture. Step-wise instruction to setup a calibration simulation on a high performance-computing environment will be described.

  We will build on hydrology simulation by extending the model to perform solute transport and ‘age’ simulation. ‘age’ of water simulation requires few additional inputs. We will go through the steps necessary to setup those inputs.  


  We will be going over a lot of content during the workshop. So it is critical to take care of few things before the workshop to allow us to get started on the modeling. That means getting your laptop ready to be able to use PIHM tools and have data that we will be using loaded. It will be a good idea to collaborate and work in a group on the problems we will be doing.

1. Download PIHMgis software

  PIHMgis is available for download at the following link. There will you find options to select appropriate version of PIHMgis based on the operating system that you are running on your computer. Sorry, we have not ported it to iPhone or iPad yet. PIHMgis has been tested on widely used operating systems that include 32-bit Windows XP, Vista, 7 and Max OS X Leopard, Snow Leopard and Lion.

2. Install PIHMgis software on your laptop

  Installation of PIHMgis is fairly easy. Detailed PIHMgis installation instructions for both Macintosh and Windows are available at the following link. The guide describes what you need to do in order to get PIHMgis up and running on your computer. Please follow the instructions to ensure that you are able to load PIHMgis toolbar.

3. Download Datasets

  Here are the links to the raw datasets that we will be using for the development of PIHM applications during the workshop. You just want to have them downloaded on your computer at an easily accessible location. For example “CreteWorkshop” in your home directory could be a choice to store these files.

SSHCZO (0.08 sq. km):

Young Woman Creek (230.7 sq. km):

4. Documents

  You may also download electronic copies of the following documents here. A printed copy of the PIHM workflow will be provided during the workshop so that you can take notes.

PIHMgis tutorial:

PIHM input data format:

PIHM output data format:

5. Source Codes                          

PIHM 2.2 source code:

PIHM-age source code:

PIHM-PCS source code: